Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our new thing

So for those of you who don't know, our family just started going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. All I have to say is.... AMAZING! We are on our way to financial peace and it feels great. There were some aspects of the program that we were a little iffy about, but we took the steps and really feel like we are, for lack of a better term, WINNING! We are building up an emergency savings fund and are also excited to be starting the "debt snowball." I have heard the concept of snowballing before, but never realized just how effective it can be. We just paid off my car (can I get a whoop whoop!) and so we are able to put all of the money that we would have used toward the car payment and make larger payments on other debts. Ramsey suggests that you start with the smallest debt amounts, because you can see results. I for one and completely results driven, so I am thrilled to have that visual of success! My parents had the program set, so we didn't have to purchase it ourselves, but if I needed to I would buy it. Money can be a  tough issue, but there are many awesome ideas and programs which, if applied, can change lives. I am excited to keep you updated on our progress to becoming DEBT FREE!

One of my goals with blogging is to explore how to save money and still have a blast. There are ways and I am bound and determined to experience and share them.

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